Smalltalker looking for a job

Stéphane Ducasse
Sun, Nov 6, 2011 11:16 AM

Hi guys

Hani Abdeen was in our group and he is now looking for a job


Hani Abdeen
Dec. 1980 - Nat.: Syrian
Tel: +49 176 312 090 76
Current address: Breaisacherstr. 23 - 79106 Freiburg - Germany


PhD in Software Engineering (RMod, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe): OO Software analysis and maintenance; Software visualization; Software metrics; Software modularization; Meta-Modeling; Moose.
Experienced Smalltalker and OO Software maintainer: during my PhD, I participated in the maintenance and development of the Moose platform for Software and Data analysis.
Excellent knowledge about: Software Development Process and Methodologies; Software Design and Software architecture; OO requirements specification and design.
Programming: Smalltalk, Java, JSP, C#.NET, ASP.NET, HTML, XML, CSS, SQL, UML.
IDE: VisualAge, Visual Works Cincom, Squeak, Netbeans, Microsoft Visual Studio, Php Mysql, SQL-Server, Dreamweaver, Magic Draw.
Languages: English (excellent), French (fluent), Arabic (mother tongue), German (basic-knowledge).
Availability: from 01 December 2011.
Ideal position: Smalltalker, OO Software developer and designer.
Publications in conferences and journals: ICSM’07, CSMR’08, WCRE’09, WCRE’2011, Information and Software Technology (IST) journal -2010.


I am

I am excellent at programming in OO languages, particularly in Smalltalk language, and keep updating my knowledge with the latest Software development technologies.
I am habitual of working independently, and set goals for myself if not assigned any by the organization. I set benchmarks for myself and achieve my goals in the decided time.
I am completely dedicated to my job.
I am energetic, a fast learner, and motivated with excellent communication skills.



2006-2009 (INRIA Lille Nord-Europ, RMod): Smalltalker; OO Software Developer and Maintainer.

I started my experience during my PhD studies at INRIA RMod team as a Smalltalker and a Software maintainer.
During this experience, I have participated in the maintenance and development of the Moose platform for Software Re-Engineering, and the meta-modeling language FAMIX.
I have developed new tools that help in understanding and in re-modularizing OO software systems.
All my tools are developed over Moose in Smalltalk (Visual Works Cincom platform).
I have developed two visualization tools that help in understanding large and complex OO software modularizations (the organization of classes and packages).
I have developed an optimization tool that automatically re-modularizes OO Software applications (optimizes the existing modularization).
The optimization process is based on the meta-heuristic technique Simulated Annealing, and it uses a set of Coupling & Cohesion metrics that I developed.
With RMod team, we have used my tools for analyzing and understanding large OO open-source systems, such as Squeak.

2010- 15 Sep. 2011 (International University for Science and Technology, Damascus): Lecture in Software Engineering.

In addition to my experience as adjunct-faculty instructor at several French academic institutes, I also worked as a full-time lecture in the Software engineering domain at IUST, Damascus.
My experience as a teacher of university in the domain of Software Engineering provided me the following opportunities:
-learning more and teaching different programming languages and platforms (such as C#.Net, ASP.Net, Java);
-supervising Software development projects of junior and undergraduate developers;
-teaching junior developers how to analyze system requirements and design them in order to build concrete Software solutions.
The most important topics that I practiced, understood, and taught during this experience are:

  • Software Development Process and Methodologies;
  • Software Design and Software architecture;
  • OO requirements specification and design, and the UML formalism.
  • OO programming and testing.
  • Software maintenance; Reuse and reengineering.
  • Information Requirements Analysis: Sampling and investigating hard data; Interviewing; Using questionnaires; Observing decision-maker Behavior and the office environment; Prototyping and Rapid Application Development.
  • The Analysis process: Using Data Flow Diagrams; Analyzing systems using data dictionaries; Describing process specifications and structured decisions; Preparing the systems proposal.
  • User Interfaces Design; Components-Events Oriented Programming; C#.Net.
  • Web Technologies and Web Applications; HTML; CSS; XML; Javascript; APS.Net.
  • Relational Databases, SQL, php Mysql.


Hi guys Hani Abdeen was in our group and he is now looking for a job Stef ====================================================== Hani Abdeen Dec. 1980 - Nat.: Syrian Tel: +49 176 312 090 76 Email: Current address: Breaisacherstr. 23 - 79106 Freiburg - Germany Highlights ======== >> PhD in Software Engineering (RMod, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe): OO Software analysis and maintenance; Software visualization; Software metrics; Software modularization; Meta-Modeling; Moose. >> Experienced Smalltalker and OO Software maintainer: during my PhD, I participated in the maintenance and development of the Moose platform for Software and Data analysis. >> Excellent knowledge about: Software Development Process and Methodologies; Software Design and Software architecture; OO requirements specification and design. >> Programming: Smalltalk, Java, JSP, C#.NET, ASP.NET, HTML, XML, CSS, SQL, UML. >> IDE: VisualAge, Visual Works Cincom, Squeak, Netbeans, Microsoft Visual Studio, Php Mysql, SQL-Server, Dreamweaver, Magic Draw. >> Languages: English (excellent), French (fluent), Arabic (mother tongue), German (basic-knowledge). >> Availability: from 01 December 2011. >> Ideal position: Smalltalker, OO Software developer and designer. >> Publications in conferences and journals: ICSM’07, CSMR’08, WCRE’09, WCRE’2011, Information and Software Technology (IST) journal -2010. ====================================================== I am ========= I am excellent at programming in OO languages, particularly in Smalltalk language, and keep updating my knowledge with the latest Software development technologies. I am habitual of working independently, and set goals for myself if not assigned any by the organization. I set benchmarks for myself and achieve my goals in the decided time. I am completely dedicated to my job. I am energetic, a fast learner, and motivated with excellent communication skills. ====================================================== Experiences ========= >> 2006-2009 (INRIA Lille Nord-Europ, RMod): Smalltalker; OO Software Developer and Maintainer. I started my experience during my PhD studies at INRIA RMod team as a Smalltalker and a Software maintainer. During this experience, I have participated in the maintenance and development of the Moose platform for Software Re-Engineering, and the meta-modeling language FAMIX. I have developed new tools that help in understanding and in re-modularizing OO software systems. All my tools are developed over Moose in Smalltalk (Visual Works Cincom platform). I have developed two visualization tools that help in understanding large and complex OO software modularizations (the organization of classes and packages). I have developed an optimization tool that automatically re-modularizes OO Software applications (optimizes the existing modularization). The optimization process is based on the meta-heuristic technique Simulated Annealing, and it uses a set of Coupling & Cohesion metrics that I developed. With RMod team, we have used my tools for analyzing and understanding large OO open-source systems, such as Squeak. >> 2010- 15 Sep. 2011 (International University for Science and Technology, Damascus): Lecture in Software Engineering. In addition to my experience as adjunct-faculty instructor at several French academic institutes, I also worked as a full-time lecture in the Software engineering domain at IUST, Damascus. My experience as a teacher of university in the domain of Software Engineering provided me the following opportunities: -learning more and teaching different programming languages and platforms (such as C#.Net, ASP.Net, Java); -supervising Software development projects of junior and undergraduate developers; -teaching junior developers how to analyze system requirements and design them in order to build concrete Software solutions. The most important topics that I practiced, understood, and taught during this experience are: - Software Development Process and Methodologies; - Software Design and Software architecture; - OO requirements specification and design, and the UML formalism. - OO programming and testing. - Software maintenance; Reuse and reengineering. - Information Requirements Analysis: Sampling and investigating hard data; Interviewing; Using questionnaires; Observing decision-maker Behavior and the office environment; Prototyping and Rapid Application Development. - The Analysis process: Using Data Flow Diagrams; Analyzing systems using data dictionaries; Describing process specifications and structured decisions; Preparing the systems proposal. - User Interfaces Design; Components-Events Oriented Programming; C#.Net. - Web Technologies and Web Applications; HTML; CSS; XML; Javascript; APS.Net. - Relational Databases, SQL, php Mysql. ======================================================