Jim good to hear you out there. Steve makes good points can’t add much to it. My sump just handles one shower drain and the cloths washing machine. Now talk about a pump keeping a sump box under control when the washing machine is pumping the washing cycle and the spinning cycle into that sump at a fast rate of speed is a wonder. The discharge overboard looks like a small fire hose. It does a good job of flushing the box and hose overboard. We are using Liquid Tide (low suds) wash in cold water, (and yes Chief Engineer does the laundry) and Downy in the wash for 17 years. And we use CLOROX on the white laundry. Half a cup and machine on full has roughly 10-12 gallons of what’re when full
Every other week on Saturday I am doing 4 good size loads. No standing in line anywhere with $10. Worth of quarters or hauling it ashore in a Dingy.
Now cleaning the sump mine is very accessible and I can check the inside and access that rule pump and float switch pretty easy. If any thing goes in it to clean it is either Bilge Buddy or RARITAN “CH” (Clean Hose) good for holding tanks as well.
CH is concentrated and. Is mixed 1:5 a gallon at Whole sale is about $74.00 but I doubt you can find any where you are. Bio-Degradable etc.
But watch your eyes and wear some rubber gloves when u use it.Not Caustic
Safe Cruising
Bin KOVACH lying Myrtle Beach SC
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Chief Engineer Bob Kovach (KJ4UGE)
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(Gold Looper) 5-2-2016