Hello Birding Friends. The Connecticut Ornithological Association needs some technical help. Over the last several years, primarily through the efforts of Steve Morytko and Tom Robben, COA has tried to keep up with technological developments and resources to facilitate the provision of services to the Connecticut birding community, and to contribute to ornithological science. With this progress has come challenges as the complexity of various programs requires specific technical skills. Understandably, Steve has planned for over a year to retire from the management of most of the technical aspects of our COA website, the CTBirds email discussion listserv, the online membership and event registration system, and other communications tools. Several Board members have stepped in to assume most of these tasks, but we will need additional, ideally volunteer, assistance for these technical programs to support COA’s mission and our membership.
So we are reaching out to the birding community at large to ask for volunteers or even professional IT consultants to consider joining our IT team. Our programs rely primarily on WordPress and Google Groups, and knowledge of BlueHost and cPanel is ideal. We can provide an overview of the program and its management requirements to anyone with a good technical foundation and willingness to work with our team. Depending on individual circumstances, we can even offer a small stipend.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in contributing technological expertise in support of birds, birding, and birders in Connecticut please contact me directly, not over CTBirds, to arrange a discussion: (email cwood022@gmail.com mailto:cwood022@gmail.com; cell 203 558-0654) . Inquiries will be kept confidential.
Inquiries or any recommendations much appreciated.
Chris Wood
President - Connecticut Ornithological Association
Woodbury, CT
203 558-0654