Looking for ideas for a cleaner and polisher for Stratoglass in place of
IMAR? Thanks guys and gals.
*Rudy & Jill Sechez *
*BRINEY BUG-a 34' Sail-Assisted Trawler *
*850-832-7748 *
*www.trawlertrainingabc.com http://www.trawlertrainingabc.com *
Elizabeth City NC northbound
Looking for ideas for a cleaner and polisher for Stratoglass in place of
IMAR? Thanks guys and gals.
*Rudy & Jill Sechez *
*BRINEY BUG-a 34' Sail-Assisted Trawler *
*850-832-7748 *
*www.trawlertrainingabc.com <http://www.trawlertrainingabc.com> *
Elizabeth City NC northbound