I just finished my two years contract as engineer in the RMoD team with stephane and I am now looking for a job.
I put below a short cv.
If you are looking for a smalltalk developer, or know someone that is looking ...., feel free to contact me :)
Cyrille Delaunay cy.delaunay@gmail.com
2009--Present, Research Engineer, INRIA - RMoD team lead by Stephane Ducasse, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Development / Refactoring / Capitalization of the reengineering platform Moose (http://www.moosetechnology.org/) in the Pharo environment (Smalltalk,http://www.pharo-project.org/home).
User interface. Improvement of the Moose user interface, implementation of a library for wizards generation, help for the integration of a new graphic library in Pharo.
Visualizations. Implementation of several generic visualizations for code source analysis.
C analyzer. Development and tests for C code import in Moose. Implementation of specific visualizations.
Java extractor. Participation in the development of a new Java extractor based on eclipse JDT.
PHP extractor. Implementation (in java) of a PHP extractor based on eclipse PDT .
Quality model. Participation to the ANR project Squale (Software quality assessment). Integration/implementation of the ideas in Moose.
New Package system for Pharo. Contribution (Implementation / System integration / Users update / Tests) to the development of a new Package system for Pharo.
Smalltalk-Java interaction. Evaluation / Tests of libraries to manipulate Java objects from Smalltalk image (JNIPort, JavaConnect).
Meta-modeling. Improvment and use of the meta-modeling infrastructure used in Moose (Fame).
Analysis reports. Development of a library for analysis reports generation.
Web development. Web interface for Moose (using Seaside). Conception of a dashboard (Like the one of Sonar).
Visual Works, 2 years.
Pharo, 2 years.
Meta-modeling, 2 years of experience as developer of the meta-described platform Moose. Use/Development of the meta-modeling infrastructure Fame (http://scg.unibe.ch/wiki/projects/fame/).
Software Analysis, 2 years of experience as developer/user of the software analysis platform Moose. Actif member of the community, good knowledge of scientific publications, books. Participation to numerous discussions around software analysis.
Software Quality, Participation with the research team RMoD to the ANR project Squale (Software QUALity Enhancement).
Agile Developpement, Strong knowledge gained during my studies and my 2,5 years of practice in the RMoD team.
Dynamic Web Development, Experience in J2EE, .NET gained during my studies. Experience with Seaside (Smalltalk, http://www.seaside.st/) during my 2 years contract in the RMoD team.
2008-2009 Master professional IAGL (Engineering et Architecture of Large Softwares), University of Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
2007-2008 Maitrise in computer sciences, University of Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
2006-2007 Licence in computer sciences, University of Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.
Languages: Smalltalk, Java, C/C++, Prolog
Web: Seaside, J2EE, ASP .NET
IDE: Pharo, Eclipse, NetBeans
OS: Mac OS, Linux, Windows
Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
Tools: LaTeX
French, Fluent, Native language.
English, Intermediate, Read, spoken, written during my contract in the RMoD team (main language of the team).