10/5/24 - Lighthouse Point Hawkwatch, Lighthouse PoInt Park, New Haven -
241 diurnal raptors counted, including 104 Cooper's Hawks, 29 Sharp-shinned
Hawks, 23 American Kestr4els, 12 Merlins, 2 Peregrine Falcons, 5 late
Osprey, 9 Bald Eagles, 24 migrating Turkey Vultures, and a smattering of
buteos (many more to come through the end of November!)
Light wind early on tamped down the small migrants. Details can be found on
the eBird Checklist S197686157. Notable was an adult Red-headed Woodpecker
spotted by Sol Satin, a perching Dickcissel seen by Katherine Murray in the
park, a regular Whimbrel, a flyover Common Raven, and two Common Nighthawks
who showed up as we were packing it in at 4 pm.
Thank you to the many experienced hawkwatchers who contributed to the count.
Tomorrow's forecast is not nearly as promising with clear skies and SE
wind. Be advised that there will be a charity walk happening mid morning,
so early arrival to get parking near the watch site would be a good idea.
The Rev. Dana L. Campbell (she, her, hers)
East Hartford, CT dana.l.campbell@gmail.com
We need in every community a group of angelic troublemakers.
- Bayard Rustin