Looking for Smalltalkers

Georg Heeg
Tue, Jan 12, 2016 4:57 PM

A customer of ours is looking for two Smalltalkers starting not later as July 1st, 2016, unlimited work contracts.

Please contact me for details

Georg Heeg

Georg Heeg eK, Dortmund und Köthen, HR Dortmund A 12812
Baroper Str. 337, 44227 Dortmund, Germany
Tel. +49-3496-214328, Fax +49-231-97599-20

A customer of ours is looking for two Smalltalkers starting not later as July 1st, 2016, unlimited work contracts. Please contact me for details Georg Heeg Georg Heeg eK, Dortmund und Köthen, HR Dortmund A 12812 Baroper Str. 337, 44227 Dortmund, Germany Tel. +49-3496-214328, Fax +49-231-97599-20