Tim Molderez
Thu, Jan 19, 2017 7:20 PM
ProWeb 2017: 1st International Workshop on Programming Technology for
the Future Web
Co-located with the <Programming> conference
April 4, Brussels, Belgium
Full-fledged web applications have become ubiquitous on desktop and
mobile devices alike. Whereas “responsive” web applications already
offered a more desktop-like experience, there is an increasing demand
for “rich” web applications (RIAs) that offer collaborative and even
off-line functionality —Google docs being the prototypical example. Long
gone are the days that web servers merely had to answer incoming HTTP
request with a block of static HTML. Today’s servers react to a
continuous stream of events coming from JavaScript applications that
have been pushed to clients. As a result, application logic and data is
increasingly distributed. Traditional dichotomies such as “client vs.
server” and “offline vs. online” are fading.
** Call for Papers **
The 1st International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future
Web, or ProWeb17, is a forum for researchers and practitioners to share
and discuss new technology for programming these and future evolutions
of the web. We welcome submissions introducing programming technology
(i.e., frameworks, libraries, programming languages, program analyses
and development tools) for implementing web applications and for
maintaining their quality over time, as well as experience reports about
the use of state-of-the-art programming technology.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
- Quality on the new web:
static and dynamic program analyses; code, design test and process
metrics; development and migration tools; automated testing and test
generation; contract systems, type systems, and web service API
conformance checking; ...
- Hosting languages on the web:
new runtimes; transpilation or compilation to JavaScript, WebAssembly,
asm.js, ...
- Designing languages for the web:
multi-tier (or tierless) programming; reactive programming; frameworks
for multi-tier or reactive programming on the web; ...
- Distributed data sharing, replication and consistency:
cloud types, CRDTs, eventual consistency, offline storage, peer-to-peer
communication, ...
- Security on the web:
client-side and server-side security policies; policy enforcement;
proxies and membranes; vulnerability detection; dynamic patching, ...
- Surveys and case studies using state-of-the-art web technology
- Ideas on and experience reports about:
how to reconcile the need for quality with the need for agility on the
web; how to master and combine the myriad of tier-specific technologies
required to develop a web application, ..
- Position statements on what the future of the web should look like
We solicit three kinds of submissions via EasyChair:
- 6-page technical papers and experience reports that, when
accepted, will be published in the workshop post-proceedings as part of
of the ACM’s Digital Library.
- 3-page position statements that, when accepted, will be published
in the workshop post-proceedings as part of of the ACM’s Digital Library.
- 1-page presentation abstracts that, when accepted, will be made
available on the website.
Submissions must follow the ACM Master Article Template
(, sigconf option, 9
point font, Times New Roman font family, numeric citation style). Each
submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program
committee. We welcome submissions that identify new problems, or report
on promising ideas in early stages of research. Submissions of the third
kind are ideal to further disseminate existing ideas within the
community, to demonstrate existing tools, or simply to instigate a
More information:
** Important dates (AoE) **
- Submission deadline: Wed 15 Feb 2017
- Author notification: Wed 1 Mar 2017
- Camera-ready version: Wed 15 Mar 2017
** Organizers **
- Coen De Roover, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Anders Møller, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Christophe Scholliers, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
** Program Committee **
- Vincent Balat, Université Paris Diderot, France
- Nataliia Bielova, Inria, France
- Avid Chaudhuri, Facebook, United States of America
- Tobias Distiler, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
- Jan Martin Jansen, Netherlands Defence Academy, The Netherlands
- Frank Piessens, iMinds, Belgium
- Rinus Plasmeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Michael Pradel, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Andreas Rossberg, Google, Germany
- Sukyoung Ryu, KAIST, South Korea
- Manuel Serrano, Inria, France
- Mario Südholt, Inria, France
- Tom Van Cutsem, Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium
- Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
ProWeb 2017: 1st International Workshop on Programming Technology for
the Future Web
Co-located with the <Programming> conference
April 4, Brussels, Belgium
Full-fledged web applications have become ubiquitous on desktop and
mobile devices alike. Whereas “responsive” web applications already
offered a more desktop-like experience, there is an increasing demand
for “rich” web applications (RIAs) that offer collaborative and even
off-line functionality —Google docs being the prototypical example. Long
gone are the days that web servers merely had to answer incoming HTTP
request with a block of static HTML. Today’s servers react to a
continuous stream of events coming from JavaScript applications that
have been pushed to clients. As a result, application logic and data is
increasingly distributed. Traditional dichotomies such as “client vs.
server” and “offline vs. online” are fading.
** Call for Papers **
The 1st International Workshop on Programming Technology for the Future
Web, or ProWeb17, is a forum for researchers and practitioners to share
and discuss new technology for programming these and future evolutions
of the web. We welcome submissions introducing programming technology
(i.e., frameworks, libraries, programming languages, program analyses
and development tools) for implementing web applications and for
maintaining their quality over time, as well as experience reports about
the use of state-of-the-art programming technology.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
* Quality on the new web:
static and dynamic program analyses; code, design test and process
metrics; development and migration tools; automated testing and test
generation; contract systems, type systems, and web service API
conformance checking; ...
* Hosting languages on the web:
new runtimes; transpilation or compilation to JavaScript, WebAssembly,
asm.js, ...
* Designing languages for the web:
multi-tier (or tierless) programming; reactive programming; frameworks
for multi-tier or reactive programming on the web; ...
* Distributed data sharing, replication and consistency:
cloud types, CRDTs, eventual consistency, offline storage, peer-to-peer
communication, ...
* Security on the web:
client-side and server-side security policies; policy enforcement;
proxies and membranes; vulnerability detection; dynamic patching, ...
* Surveys and case studies using state-of-the-art web technology
* Ideas on and experience reports about:
how to reconcile the need for quality with the need for agility on the
web; how to master and combine the myriad of tier-specific technologies
required to develop a web application, ..
* Position statements on what the future of the web should look like
We solicit three kinds of submissions via EasyChair:
- 6-page **technical papers** and **experience reports** that, when
accepted, will be published in the workshop post-proceedings as part of
of the ACM’s Digital Library.
- 3-page **position statements** that, when accepted, will be published
in the workshop post-proceedings as part of of the ACM’s Digital Library.
- 1-page **presentation abstracts** that, when accepted, will be made
available on the website.
Submissions must follow the ACM Master Article Template
(, sigconf option, 9
point font, Times New Roman font family, numeric citation style). Each
submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the program
committee. We welcome submissions that identify new problems, or report
on promising ideas in early stages of research. Submissions of the third
kind are ideal to further disseminate existing ideas within the
community, to demonstrate existing tools, or simply to instigate a
More information:
** Important dates (AoE) **
- Submission deadline: Wed 15 Feb 2017
- Author notification: Wed 1 Mar 2017
- Camera-ready version: Wed 15 Mar 2017
** Organizers **
- Coen De Roover, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Anders Møller, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Christophe Scholliers, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
** Program Committee **
- Vincent Balat, Université Paris Diderot, France
- Nataliia Bielova, Inria, France
- Avid Chaudhuri, Facebook, United States of America
- Tobias Distiler, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,
- Jan Martin Jansen, Netherlands Defence Academy, The Netherlands
- Frank Piessens, iMinds, Belgium
- Rinus Plasmeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Michael Pradel, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- Andreas Rossberg, Google, Germany
- Sukyoung Ryu, KAIST, South Korea
- Manuel Serrano, Inria, France
- Mario Südholt, Inria, France
- Tom Van Cutsem, Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium
- Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands