SPLASH 2015 - Call for Student Volunteers

Craig Anslow
Fri, Jul 31, 2015 7:47 AM

ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications:
Software for Humanity (SPLASH'15)

   Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
   25th-30th October, 2015


   Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN

Call for Student Volunteers

The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH is now accepting submissions. We invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished work.

** Student Volunteers **
The SPLASH Student Volunteer program provides an opportunity for students from around the world to associate with some of the leading personalities in industry and research in the following areas: programming languages, object-oriented technology and software development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of the conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with registration, providing information about the conference to attendees, assisting session organizers and monitoring sessions.

Applications Due: 7 August, 2015

Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Jonathan Bell (Columbia University) and Daco Harkes (TU Delft)

SPLASH Early Registration Deadline: 25 September, 2015
Contact: info@splashcon.orgmailto:info@splashcon.org
Website: http://2015.splashcon.orghttp://2015.splashcon.org/

Sheraton Station Square Hotel
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

SPLASH General Chair: Jonathan Aldrich (Carnegie Mellon University)
OOPSLA Papers Chair: Patrick Eugster (Purdue University)
Onward! Papers Chair: Gail Murphy (University of British Columbia)
Onward! Essays Chair: Guy Steele (Oracle Labs)
DLS Papers Chair: Manuel Serrano (INRIA)

Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Robby Findler (Northwestern University) and Michael Hind (IBM Research)
Demos Co-Chairs: Igor Peshansky (Google) and Pietro Ferrara (IBM Research)
Inspirations Co-Chairs: Darya Kurilova (Carnegie Mellon University), Zach Tatlock (University of Washington), and Crista Lopes (UC Irvine)
Local Arrangements Chair: Claire Le Goues (Carnegie Mellon University)
Posters Chair: Nick Sumner (Simon Fraser University)
Publications Chair: Alex Potanin (Victoria University of Wellington)
Publicity and Web Co-Chairs: Craig Anslow (University of Calgary) and Tijs van der Storm (CWI)
SPLASH-E Chair: Eli Tilevich (Virginia Tech)
SPLASH-I Co-Chairs: Tijs van der Storm (CWI) and Jan Vitek (Northeastern University)
Sponsorship Chair: Tony Hosking (Purdue University)
Student Research Competition Co-Chairs: Sam Guyer (Tufts University) and Patrick Lam (University of Waterloo)
Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Jonathan Bell (Columbia University) and Daco Harkes (TU Delft)
Wavefront Co-Chairs: Dennis Mancl (Alcatel-Lucent)
Web Technology Chair: Eelco Visser (TU Delft)
Workshops Co-Chairs: Du Li (Carnegie Mellon University) and Jan Rellermeyer (IBM Research)
SLE General Chair: Richard Paige, University of York
GPCE General Chair: Christian Kästner, Carnegie Mellon University
PLoP General Chair: Filipe Correia, University of Porto

/************************************************************************************/ ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH'15) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 25th-30th October, 2015 http://www.splashcon.org<http://www.splashcon.org/> Sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN /************************************************************************************/ Call for Student Volunteers /************************************************************************************/ The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery to make it the premier conference at the intersection of programming, languages, and software engineering. SPLASH is now accepting submissions. We invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished work. ** Student Volunteers ** The SPLASH Student Volunteer program provides an opportunity for students from around the world to associate with some of the leading personalities in industry and research in the following areas: programming languages, object-oriented technology and software development. Student volunteers contribute to the smooth running of the conference by performing tasks such as: assisting with registration, providing information about the conference to attendees, assisting session organizers and monitoring sessions. Applications Due: 7 August, 2015 http://2015.splashcon.org/track/splash2015-sv Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Jonathan Bell (Columbia University) and Daco Harkes (TU Delft) Information: SPLASH Early Registration Deadline: 25 September, 2015 Contact: info@splashcon.org<mailto:info@splashcon.org> Website: http://2015.splashcon.org<http://2015.splashcon.org/> Location: Sheraton Station Square Hotel Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Organization: SPLASH General Chair: Jonathan Aldrich (Carnegie Mellon University) OOPSLA Papers Chair: Patrick Eugster (Purdue University) Onward! Papers Chair: Gail Murphy (University of British Columbia) Onward! Essays Chair: Guy Steele (Oracle Labs) DLS Papers Chair: Manuel Serrano (INRIA) Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Robby Findler (Northwestern University) and Michael Hind (IBM Research) Demos Co-Chairs: Igor Peshansky (Google) and Pietro Ferrara (IBM Research) Inspirations Co-Chairs: Darya Kurilova (Carnegie Mellon University), Zach Tatlock (University of Washington), and Crista Lopes (UC Irvine) Local Arrangements Chair: Claire Le Goues (Carnegie Mellon University) Posters Chair: Nick Sumner (Simon Fraser University) Publications Chair: Alex Potanin (Victoria University of Wellington) Publicity and Web Co-Chairs: Craig Anslow (University of Calgary) and Tijs van der Storm (CWI) SPLASH-E Chair: Eli Tilevich (Virginia Tech) SPLASH-I Co-Chairs: Tijs van der Storm (CWI) and Jan Vitek (Northeastern University) Sponsorship Chair: Tony Hosking (Purdue University) Student Research Competition Co-Chairs: Sam Guyer (Tufts University) and Patrick Lam (University of Waterloo) Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Jonathan Bell (Columbia University) and Daco Harkes (TU Delft) Wavefront Co-Chairs: Dennis Mancl (Alcatel-Lucent) Web Technology Chair: Eelco Visser (TU Delft) Workshops Co-Chairs: Du Li (Carnegie Mellon University) and Jan Rellermeyer (IBM Research) SLE General Chair: Richard Paige, University of York GPCE General Chair: Christian Kästner, Carnegie Mellon University PLoP General Chair: Filipe Correia, University of Porto /************************************************************************************/