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Re: Northbound. Intracoastal Trip on Mainship 30 late April...novice cruisers

Randy Pickelmann
Wed, Mar 31, 2021 6:51 PM

Hey Craig!
As usual, Rudy is giving good advice. The only thing I would add is the old saw - the most dangerous thing on a boat is a schedule. We all know that it’s a long boat ride and impatience could lead to rookie mistakes.
The most difficult maneuver for a new pilot to make is a 180° turn. Same for a new captain!

Randy Pickelmann
Cool Change-hard aground in Rockland, ME

Sent from my iPhone-expect typos

Hey Craig! As usual, Rudy is giving good advice. The only thing I would add is the old saw - the most dangerous thing on a boat is a schedule. We all know that it’s a long boat ride and impatience could lead to rookie mistakes. The most difficult maneuver for a new pilot to make is a 180° turn. Same for a new captain! Regards, Randy Pickelmann Cool Change-hard aground in Rockland, ME Sent from my iPhone-expect typos