Monday evening we had demos of participants. It was great and we had hard time voting.
Yesterday evening we had the awards ceremony.
And the winners are...
-1st Physical Etoys (Squeak Etoys)
• Developers: Lic. Gonzalo Zabala, Ricardo Moran, Sebastián Blanco
• Keywords: Visual programming, Programming Real world objects
-2nd Cog (Squeak, Pharo)
• Developers: Eliot Miranda
• Keywords: Virtual machine
-3rd Mars (Pharo)
• Developers: Esteban Lorenzano
• Keywords: MVC framework, native UI, OSX
Videos and more info about participants and winners are on:
Thanx to all participants and congratulations to the winners!
18th International Smalltalk Joint Conference, September 13 -17 2010 Barcelona, Spain.
Congratulations to all participants and, in particular to the winners!
I wish I was there :)
On 16 Sep 2010, at 11:06, Noury Bouraqadi wrote:
Monday evening we had demos of participants. It was great and we had hard time voting.
Yesterday evening we had the awards ceremony.
And the winners are...
-1st Physical Etoys (Squeak Etoys)
• Developers: Lic. Gonzalo Zabala, Ricardo Moran, Sebastián Blanco
• Keywords: Visual programming, Programming Real world objects
-2nd Cog (Squeak, Pharo)
• Developers: Eliot Miranda
• Keywords: Virtual machine
-3rd Mars (Pharo)
• Developers: Esteban Lorenzano
• Keywords: MVC framework, native UI, OSX
Videos and more info about participants and winners are on:
Thanx to all participants and congratulations to the winners!
18th International Smalltalk Joint Conference, September 13 -17 2010 Barcelona, Spain.
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